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Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica


Analýza priestorového rozšírenia akumulačných foriem v korytových úsekoch Bodvy
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Indikátory zlomovej aktivity Brezovskej časti Malých Karpát
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The textural and structural features of top river terrace of the Lubsza Valley
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Morphogenetic importance of the bora type wind (19th November 2004) in The Slovak High Tatras 
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Lichenometric - geomorphological investigations in the area of Slavkovský štít 
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Dynamicky orientovaný hierarchický GmIS (prípadová štúdia Ľubietová)
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Geofyzikální výzkum v lokalitě Obora (SZ od Brna) a jeho aplikace na poznatky vývoje řeky Svratky mezi Veverskou Bítýškou a Brnem 
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Digitálna letecká fotogrametria ako nástroj pre dlhodobý monitoring zosuvného územia: vývoj ľubietovského zosuvu v rokoch 1969 – 1998 
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Hodnocení přesnosti digitálních modelů reliéfu 
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Historická chronologie blokovobahenních proudů v Moravskoslezských Beskydech
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Dušan Barabas:
The Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Accummulation Forms in the Bodva River Channel.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 7 - 15.
7 figs., 1 tab, 11 refs.

The contribution aims at the analysis of spatial distribution of accumulation forms in the Bodva River channel and points at their influence of flooding of the waterflow. We stemmed from the 100 metres area measurements. The measurements were processed and evaluated for one kilometre length. The analysis of accumulation forms was processed in relative values (the share of absolute length/width of accumulation forms to number). Specific parameter formulated as share of channel area to summary areas of accumulation forms was used. The pictures 4 and 5 depict the correlations relative values size parameters of accumulation forms in the studied area. The picture 7 demonstrates the rate between the area of the channel and the area of the accumulation forms. This relation is convenient to show the intensity of sediments accumulation and so the creation of floods. The influence of inclination which compensates the rise of water level and flooding is included in the formula. The picture 7 shows the change of distribution of accumulation forms in the channel of the Bodva River in the certain tracts. The research found out the low level of accumulation forms is represented in the strongly regulated channel in 7 - 9 km in the area of Jasov.
Key Words: Bodva River; river channel; accumulation forms.


Miloš Briestenský: Fault activity indicators of the Malé Karpaty Mts. Brezová part.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 16 - 25.
7 figs., 28 refs.

The Brezová Carpathians, creating the northern Malé Karpaty part, were selected for study of active faults display. There were chosen some geomorphological, geological and geotechnical methods to discover fault activity expression as well as recent tectonic regime. The obtained results showed close relationship between fault striking and drainage system orientation as well as erosion furrows orientation. Furthermore, wide-ranging slope deformations are located along faults with proved activity. The both phenomenon were studied and registered. Moreover, striking faults are reflexing by tufas, sag ponds and swallow holes occurrence on the surface. The subsurface active fault display is documented by sinter damages along the fault in the local Zbojnícka and Slopy Caves. This manifestation influenced these caves to study fault microdiplacements and the net was extended by two extensometric TM71 gauges situated on the surface localities, too. The monitoring results showed significant tenths and hundredths of mm movement trends per year as well as strain regime changes during local significant earthquakes. On the other hand, sense of the fault displacements showed sinistral block rotation in the wide-ranging sinistral Mur-Mürz-Leitha fault zone, which can be changed into dextral block rotation after quake as a strain relaxation.
Key words: The Brezová Carpathians; faults; erosion furrow; drainage orientation; linear slope sections orientation; sinter damages; slope failures; tuffas; peat; sag ponds; microdisplacements


Cezary Tomczyk: The textural and structural features of top river terrace of the Lubsza Valley.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 26 - 30.
4 figs., 10 refs.

Research area includes the section of Lubsza river from springs in Żarskie Hills to Głogów-Baruth icemarginal valley. That southern part of valley is located beyond the reach of Leszno phase of Würm glaciation. The major aim of this paper is to present structural and textural features of rivers terrace sediments and an attempt to reconstruct a characteristics of fluvial environment capable to from them. Lithofacial analysis proposed by ZIELIŃSKI (1998) was used for distinction of fluvial formations sets. Investigations were carried out on the top terrace level, which is at the same time the most visible element of area morphology. According to preliminary research, sediments that build river terrace were probably deposited in environment characteristic for braided river with sandy bed. 
Key words: river terrace; lithofacial analysis


Katarzyna Dąbrowska, Elżbieta Rojan: Morphogenetic importance of the bora type wind (19th November 2004) in The Slovak High Tatras.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 31 - 35.
5 figs., 2 tabs., 4 refs.

In November 2004 the extremely strong wind caused significant changes in the environment of The High Tatras. The aim of this study was to determine the approximate quantity of soil and waste material displaced with root systems of uprooted trees. Due to the measurements done during the field studies it was possible to compute the mean volume of the displaced material per 100m2 which is 0,14m3. Approximate total volume for the whole windfall area was estimated at 17 000 000 m3. The spatial distribution of such a changes in relief is not regular. An inclination of slope can be considered to be an important factor which has an influence on it.
Key words: windfall; uprooted tree; displacement of soil and waste material; bora type wind


Stanislaw Kędzia, Zofia Rączkowska: Lichenometric – geomorphological investigations in the area of Slavkovský štít.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 36 - 41.
4 figs., 19 refs.

Geomorphological investigations in July 2008 carried out in the area of Slavkovský štít aims to discover the accumulation of a large rockfall or debris flow resulted from extreme hydrometeorological event of 1662 in the Tatras. The discovery of large boulders covered by thalluses of Rizocarpon geographicum from this debris flow or rockfall would have created possibilities to prolong backwards the lichenometric curve for the Tatras. The origin of several relief forms (Fig. 1), due to their morphological features, structure and location could be attributed to the event of 1662, but lichenometric data rather exclude their formation during one event. The results of detailed analysis of aerial photographs and authors` geomorphological field investigations do not confirm the fall of such large rock masses, as well as lowering of the Slavkovský stit top by 300 m. The authors assumed such lowering probably had incorrectly classified post-glacial forms.        
Key words: lichenometric method; rockfall; debris flow; Tatra Mountains


Alžbeta Medveďová, Jozef Minár, Roberta Prokešová: Dynamically oriented hierarchic geomorpological information system (Ľubietová case study).
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 42 - 54.
6 figs., 2 tabs., 38 refs.

Geomorpological information system (GmIS) is a special type of GIS suitable for collection, elaboration and presentation of geomorphological data. GmIS is an excellent tool for efficient storage and generating new geomorphological information as well as for visualization of outputs. In our contribution the build-up of a tool for complex (temporal and spatial) study of gravitational deformations in the Ľubietová territory is presented. The hierarchical system approach is applied to the investigation of one of the most active subsystems in the context of the whole supersystem. In our case the basic system corresponds to a paradynamic gravity-fluvial system (Hutná stream with its tributaries and neighbouring slopes), its most active subsystem is the system of the gravitational deformation (i.e. the last landslide activated in 1977), and the supersystem refers to a higher-order system, i.e. to the neotectonical system of the territory. All dynamic processes have certain temporal and spatial hierarchy. Neotectonics are considered as a processes of several million years time-scale described within the spatial scale of 1:50 000. Gravityfluvial system is studied in the scale of 1:10 000 in the range of 105 – 106 years. The most detailed temporal (few decades) and spatial (1:5 000) scales are used for the subsystem of the active landslide. The vertical scale (in our case expressed in meters to kilometers) plays also an important role in the study of landslide processes. Both spatial hierarchies are mutually related (not deterministically) – processes of smaller extent are described in the larger scale. The dynamically oriented hierarchic GmIS focuses on morphodynamic phenomena as well as on the multilevel hierarchy of geomorphological database. Geomorphological data can be digitally stored as a powerful database with thematic layers and attribute tables. ESRI ArcGIS is suggested to manage the geomorphological data.
Key words: geomorphological information system (GmIS); morphodynamic phenomena; hierarchy; geomorphological database; geomorphic network; elementary forms; digital elevation model (DEM)


Lucie Peterková, Karel Kirchner, František Hubatka, Slavomír Nehyba: Geophysical research at the Obora locality (NW from Brno) and its aplication to the knowledge of the Svratka River development between the Veverská Bítýška and Brno.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 55 - 62.
5 figs., 13 refs.

The paper deals with geomorphologic investigation in the middle Svratka River valley. With using some geophysical methods, we focused on the tectonically conditioned depression – Obora site near the Brno water reservoir. Lower Badenian sediments were recorded by geologists (firm GEOtest Brno) in this site. Our tasks: characterization of Lower Badenian sediments with relations to location and form of concave bedrock, verification of the age of this sediments, appointing origin (tectonic, erosion-tectonic) and age (Miocene, pre-Miocene) of the Obora depression.
Key words: the Svratka River; ground penetrating radar; vertical electrical sounding; Badenian sediments


Roberta Prokešová, Miroslav Kardoš, Alžbeta Medveďová: Digital aerial photogrammetry as a tool for long-term landslide monitoring: evolution of the Ľubietová landslide from 1969 to 1998.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 63 - 75.
6 figs., 5 tabs., 27 refs.

Quantitative analysis of the evolution of the Ľubietová landslide (central Slovakia) from 1969 to 1998 was carried out using a sequence of historical aerial photographs taken in 1969 (1:16 000), 1977 (1:17 000), 1988 (1:17 000) and 1998 (1:20 000). All images acquired by means of the analogue photogrammetric aerial cameras were converted into a digital format using high quality photogrammetric scanner. The photograph negatives were scanned with resolution 14 µm that corresponds to a ground resolution of aproximately 20 to 30 cm. The elevation changes of the landslide area were calculated and visualized by subtracting DTMs two by two (the earlier DTM from the later one) to create three basic differential DTMs (i.e. “1998 – 1988”, “1988 – 1977” and “1977 – 1969”) each of them represents the “surface of change” between two subsequent time periods. To achieve the most reliable results, quality of extracted data (i.e. stereomodels as well as DTMs) was evaluated using of the check point’s statistics. As expected, data quality is strictly related to all: image mean scale and relative flying height, image resolution, distribution of ground control points and terrain characteristics. It was recognized that vertical changes belonging to the 1998 – 1988 epoch were rather low in relation to the accuracy of elevation data that could be achieved in these two DTMs. The most significant vertical changes were expected in the ”1977 – 1969 differential DTM“, because it reflects epoch when a large ground masses have been displaced (i.e. catastrophic landslide event in the spring of 1977). It may be concluded that our method is very useful for quantification of elevation changes in a landslide area namely if they are more than 1 m in range.
Key words: Archival aerial photographs; digital photogrammetry; DTM; landslides; vertical displacements


Jana Svobodová: Evaluation of digital elevation model accuracy.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 76 - 81.
7 tabs., 5 refs.

The article deals with an evaluation of the digital elevation model accuracy as theoretically as practically. The general processes of evaluation of the accuracy and the practical results obtained by the computing of digital elevation models and theire evaluation on the test areas are presented in this text. The results of the evaluation of accuracy are then related to the used interpolation methods, their parameters and the types of a relief of the test areas.
Key words: DEM; IDW; spline; accuracy of the DEM; relief


Karel Šilhán, Tomáš Pánek: Historical chronology of debris flows in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.
Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 8, 2008, 1, 82 - 94.
14 figs., 1 tab., 13 refs.

Absolute debris flows chronology in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. was not still built. But debris flows accumulation occure frequently here and permanently emerge new in present. Methods of dendrochronology were used for dating young small accumulations. Reactivizations “firehose effect” were dated on surface of middle large accumulations in gullies on eastern slope of the Smrk Mt., northern slope of the Ostrý Mt. and western slope of the Travný Mt. Specimen of Picea abies, Fagus sylvatica and Alnus glutinosa species were dated. Standard row of annual growths for elimination of climatic influences were built from 30 undisturbed trees by debris flow. Debris flow chronology for last 70 years was determined on the base of this research. 10 years with activity of debris flows were ordained. Intensive development of debris flow fan in last 20 years was proved. There is debris flows activity very frequent on some localities, but individual events are not too big. Whereas there is not very frequent debris flow activity on some localities, but individual events are bigger. Significant dependence exist among debris flows genesis and occurence of extreme precipitation. 
Key words: the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.; debris flow; dendrochronology; precipitation